Prints - Handpulled - Originals
Click on any image to enlarge
Siren's Song Remembered - Block-cut - 18" x 22"
Annunciation - Woodcut - 12" x 14"
Victoria Blue Bridge Ascending - Block-cut - 22" x 30"
Prism for Womens Wild Woman Power - Block-cut - 22" x 28"
Conundrum #1 - Collagraph - 20" x 16"
Conundrum #2 - Collagraph - 20" x 16"
Equation - Solar etching - 8" x 8"
The River Beneath the River - Drypoint - 22" x 15"
Inversions - Solar etching monoprint - 8" x 8"
Kaleidoscope - Mixed media - 23" x 30"
Sirens' Song Revisited - Block cut on raw silk - 30" x 30"
Garden of Fables - Block print on hand-made paper - 20" x 30"
Overture - Collagraph - 14" x 12"
Paean # 1 - Collagraph - 20" x 22"
Paean # 2 - Collagraph - 20" x 22"
Land of Lotus Eaters #1 - Collagraph - 20" x 22"
Land of Lotus Eaters #2 - Collagraph - 20" x 22"